1.0 Beginner
No Prior Knowledge, Let's Learn!
1.5 Advanced Beginner
Still learning scorekeeping
Still learning court positioning
Serves and serve returns in 40% or less
Limited mobility
2.0 Intermediate
Needs reminders with scorekeeping
Has minimal understanding of court positioning
Serves and serve returns 40% to 50% of the time
Showing adequate mobility (safe and balanced)
Must know how to keep score
Must know where to position yourself at the start of each point
Able to hold a brief rally with players who are around the same skill level
Serves and returns are usually in bounds and consistent but inconsistent aim for placement
Prefers to use their forehand and attempt to hit a backhand stroke
Showing good mobility and can move around the court in a safe manner
Must be able to meet all of the 2.5 rating level requirements
Majority of serves and returns are in bounds, working on accuracy and depth
Demonstrate a ready position at the NVZ
Able to demonstrate proper punch volleys (using backhand correctly)
Showing good mobility, hand-eye coordination, and moderate quickness
Must be able to meet all of the 2.75 rating level requirements
100% knowledge on the basic rules and being aware of where to position yourself on each point
Must get serves and returns in 75% of the time
Must move to the NVZ after the return of serve and not retreat during play
Must be able to maintain at least a 5+ shot rally
Able to successfully hit forehand and backhand volleys at the NVZ
Able to hit most forehands and backhands with direction and control regarding height & depth
Aware of dinking and will occasionally engage in it, but lacks control over the height and positioning of their dinks
Starting to use the third shot drop in game play, but not consistently or in control. More at ease on a third shot drive.
3.25 Rating
Must be able to meet all of the 3.0 rating requirements
Consistently gets serve and service returns in
Attempts and executes dink rally 50% of the time
Attempts and executes 3rd shot drops 50% of the time
Aware of unforced errors and is working and drilling to minimize
3.5 Rating
Able to meet all of the 3.25 rating level requirements
Possesses a broader understanding of the regulations than just the fundamentals (including net rules, net post problems, NVZ, etc.)
Must be successful in dropping from the baseline (3rd, 5th, etc.) to get to the NVZ at least 60% of the time
Unforced errors are less than 8 in a game
Deep and reliable serves and returns
Successfully putting balls away using overheads and volleys
Is initiating dinking and can maintain a controlled dink rally
Growing more accurate with shots and beginning to apply this in your strategies
Starting to plan and collaborate with your partner to build the point
Accumulating a range of shots, both quick and slow, in their arsenal
Competed in tournaments and consistently won or placed in the top 3 teams in 3.0 Skill Brackets
All above information credited to My Pickle Factory